原来幽灵党是致敬这一部但本片的雪山动作戏更精彩一些到现在看也不过时;原来NTTD邦德那句“ We have all the time in the world”也是出自这里所以基调已经定下来了本片拍得颇浪漫邦德对于感情的态度也不那么冷漠且充满利用后半段动作戏也很紧张睡醒发现还在C1V1HHH是皇室情节最浓重的一部拉赞贝看着比康纳利温柔且有人味3.5.
“We are not paying with money. We are paying with the time from our lives we had to spend to earn that money. The difference is that you can't buy life. Life just goes by. And it's terrible to waste your life losing your freedom. ”